Don't Face The Tough Times Alone

Our Practices

Mastery requires experience.  This is why our Firm specializes in only two areas of the law: Criminal Defense and Family Law. 

These particular practice areas require knowledge and familiarity with the nuances and challenges of these types of cases.  Attorneys who specialize and see the same case types every day can offer a much higher success rate based on experience and dedication.

Edwards & Associates uses a team approach with our cases and every team member contributes their individual talents and experience which leads to greater client satisfaction.

Criminal Defense

No matter what the charges are against you, facing a criminal prosecution is stressful and life-changing.  You could be facing a jail sentence or other penalties including loss of license, sex offender registration, or deportation.  

Family Law

Family law matters involve complex, sensitive issues that can have a lasting impact on you, your children, your finances, and your future. Our goal is to keep the proceedings as amicable and as simple as possible. If you have children, how you approach your divorce or separation will affect your future relationship as co-parents, and a practical parenting agreement.

Our Team

Grace Edwards

Grace Edwards

Managing Member

Criminal Defense and Family Law

Daniel L. Oste

Daniel L. Oste

Senior Associate

Criminal Defense and Family Law